Creative Booklet Printing Tips

01/03/2012 13:37


Companies uses booklets for different reasons and this has made the demand of booklet printing to increase daily. The booklets can also be used in writing descriptions of program, manuals for training, brochures and used to keep important information of a company. Anyone who intends on using booklets as a marketing tool should first look for the best booklets online printing service, this is to make sure that the booklet you will get will be able to attract customers.  
1. Try new paper cover materials - The traditional way to print the cover of booklets is to use a paper material that is slightly thicker than the rest of the booklet. Moreover, people usually use a glossy cover for color booklets to make them look better. To change this tradition and get creative, you may want to explore using new materials. Many people have found that they can use textured paper, corrugated paper, plastics, cardboards and other interesting material to make the color booklet look different. This is perfect for marketing booklets who really want to make a mark on readers.
2. Use a different kind of binding - Another way to look creative for booklet printing is to use a different kind of binding. Besides using the ever so boring perfect binding method, you can also use other more interesting binds such as plastic comb binds and even special string or twine binding that adds a personal and detailed effect to each booklet. This is perfect for theme booklets where a certain kind of style is needed.
3. Use a custom dimension for booklets - If the whole rectangle booklet is really boring you out, may also want to try to play with the printing dimensions of your booklet. From a rectangular booklet, you might want to go for square booklets, circle booklets, or you might want to try different booklet configurations that are rarely used. This basically changes the look and feel of the color booklet giving it a more personal feel.
4. Add trimmings and other details - Finally, if you are really gunning for a creative color booklet, you can also add trimmings and other details. Some people add ribbons to their booklets. Others add metallic studs, plastic shapes and even embossed elements. This might add extra customization costs to booklet printing, but your booklets will turn out to be quite creative.
So why don't you try out these new creative techniques. Who knows? It might just work with your booklet printing.